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Sunday, July 5, 2015

My 12 year old niece wrote this for her school. Just wanted to share.
Now I Know
Do I really know what an American veteran is?
I know we have a military, and that we celebrate Veterans Day, and pledge allegiance to the flag .But I never knew the true meaning until I sat down with a veteran.
In January 1967 twenty five year old Gary Criner was deployed to Vietnam. Gary had no choice: sadly he had to leave his wife, family, and job. As you know Vietnam was not a popular war and caused thousands of people to protest, which made it harder on the military.
I will never forget his words, "When I left home to go to Vietnam, it took 24 hours to get there, now it takes a second to return". When I asked him to explain, his wife answered for him. Every time a helicopter flies over he reaches for his gun. Fireworks or a sudden noise can trigger his mind back into battle, and the nightmares he frequently endures.
As I sat there and listened to his magnificent stories, I wondered how he survived: living in the jungle for a year, battling rains, heat, rats, gun fire, and sleeping in a bunker protected by sand bags. They would take turns burning the drums from the outhouse, and put cool aid in the water so they couldn’t see the bugs they drank. Considered the old man and Section Chief they made the best of a bad situation. He even showed me pictures of a Chinese raccoon pet they named Annie.
Gary was a tall, blue eyed, blonde man, now fully gray with slightly bent shoulders. At the age of 74, he still has a sense of humor. When I asked if he would do it again. He stated, “Yes in a heartbeat”. He was ranked Specialist 5th class trained in Artillery, and he has no regrets. Gary was honored with an Army accommodation of heroism under fire. Out of curiosity I asked Gary his dog tag number and he recited it as if it were yesterday, “US 51643628”.
When he asked if we were through, tears filled all of our eyes and I knew that I sat before a hero who risked his life so that we here in America could have freedom. For this, I thank him and all the veterans for the privilege of living and being free. I am Honored that Now I Know.

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